Futurist Brightening Skincealer
Futurist Brightening Skincealer

Futurist Brightening Skincealer Conceal. Brighten. Hydrate. Boost radiance.

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Look brighter now. Even brighter in the future.

With this innovative Skincealer formula, skin is instantly hydrated and looks brighter, more radiant, more perfected. Plumps fine, dry lines and improves hydration and radiance over time.

Delivers the performance of a long-wearing, medium-to-full coverage brightening concealer—plus the efficacy of skincare.

After 1 week: Hydration and radiance are measurably increased.

After 4 weeks: Fine lines and dark circles look reduced. Undereye firmness is improved.

With continued use: The telltale undereye area looks smoother, more radiant. Crepiness appears reduced.

Silky hybrid formula covers and brightens dark circles. Soft Radiant finish. Water-, sweat- and humidity-resistant. All-day color true wear. Non-creasing, non-poring.

The exclusive soft-touch applicator is based on the shape of a fingertip. Designed for precision application and easy blending in all areas.


Vitamin C Brightening Complex: Helps diminish the look of undereye circles and bring new radiance to the undereye area.

Tri-Firming Complex: Helps skin feel firmer, look more resilient. Helps reduce the look of lines.

Hyaluronic Acid Complex: Dual molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid helps retain moisture on the surface of the skin and provides hydration. Plus, an algae extract helps plump skin with hydration.


Soft Radiant



Exclusive soft-touch applicator shaped like a fingertip


• Brightening concealer• Waterbestendig• ZWEETBESTENDIG• Vochtbestendig• All-day color true wear• Vormt geen streepjes• Non-poring• Non-settling• Non-caking• Vrij van oliën• Getest door oogspecialisten• Dermatologisch getest• VEROORZAAKT GEEN PUISTJES, VERSTOPT DE PORIËN NIET (NIET-ACNEGEEN)• Free of sulfite, SLS/SLES, drying alcohol

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