Astuce beauté en 3 minutes

E-Z Contouring

Contourez, modelez et sculptez en quelques secondes.

3D Contour

Brush contour from midpoint of ear to
midway under cheekbones. Brush more just
above jaw, earlobe to chin. Brush and blend a
touch on each side of face, at hairline. Blend
all with fingertip.

3D Highlight

Apply highlight down center of
forehead, nose, Cupid’s bow and
chin. Ajoutez-en également sur les pommettes.
Fingertip-blend all.

3D Blush

Apply blush in an ‘X’ over apples of
cheeks using powder brush. Estompez.
Add 3-4 drops of serum to sponge.
Dot over cheekbones and blend.

3D Lips

Prep with lip balm. Outline with a
lip pencil in shade deeper than
lipstick. Draw 3 vertical lines down
both lips. 1 in the middle, 1 on each


Press lipstick on lightly until
lines fade.

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